The Green Valley Gardeners will be bringing Eric Clark to the Quail Creek Clubhouse on January 16 to discuss ways to achieve winter color in your yard and to discuss gardening in small spaces. The seminar will run from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. This seminar is open to all residents of Quail Creek at no…
Category: January 2014
January 2014
The Socials to perform music for the Soul II on January 19
Kathy Stotz Quail Creek residents Gregg and Kathy Stotz are hosting a Hall Family Benefit Concert in the Crystal Ballroom on Sunday, January 19, 2014. The cash bar will open at 6:00 p.m. and show time is 7:00 p.m. Seating for this performance is theater style. Seating will be open, not assigned, first come, first…
January 2014
Sand Devils Swirl at Tohono O’odham Toka Tournaments

Ron and Vicki Sullivan Less than a two hour drive from Quail Creek is the Tohono O’odham Nation. The Tohono O’odhams have resided on their land since time began. Before history was written, these people were known as the Hohokam. The Spanish referred to them as Papagos. For as long as anyone can remember, women…
January 2014
Riders on the Orphan Train, a multimedia presentation, February 13, 2014 at 7:00p.m.
Novelist and humanities scholar Alison Moore and singer/songwriter Phil Lancaster have combined audio and visual elements and musical ballads into a collaborative performance that brings the Orphan Train movement, a largely unknown chapter in American history, to public awareness. This story is of particular interest in Arizona, where an infamous 1904 kidnapping of orphans in…
January 2014
Rebecca Dawn Live from Branson – January 30

Rebecca Dawn will give one performance only on Thursday, January 30, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom. Tickets are now on sale for $10.00 each at the Concierge Desk or call 393-5822 to order by phone. The cash bar opens at 6:00 p.m. and will remain open through intermission. Rebecca Dawn…
January 2014
Critter Club news
Marilyn Darcangelo Would you remember what to do if your pet had an emergency or you needed to give your pet first aid? Knowledge helps us to stay calm and do the right thing. Mark your calendar now for our next meeting when Dr. Janice Nicol of Valley Verde Veterinarians will discuss First Aid, Emergency…
January 2014
Computer Club programs proving popular
Dianne Thomson The time and date for the February Computer Club program Cutting the Cable is changing to Thursday, February 20, at 10:00 a.m. in the Ballroom. Once upon a time, Computer Club programs, open to the entire community, were held in the Fine Arts Room of the A&T building. When attendance outgrew that venue, the…
January 2014
Photography Club November contest winners “Macro”

Robert Thoresen November’s contest subject was Macro Photography, although technically the definition of Macro Photography is the photographing of an object at a larger than a 1:1 ratio; in other words photographing something larger than life. Members at PCQC consider themselves amateur photographers and are lenient in holding to technical definitions. Entries were a mix…
January 2014
QC Lady Niners holiday wrap up

Deb Maloney For 59 Lady Niners, one holiday wish came true on December 12. The weather dawned bright and warm at Quail Creek for their holiday golf and annual awards luncheon. Niners President Marci Yenerich welcomed special guest and founding member Grace Thompson who organized the club 11 years ago. Also, Marci thanked all who…
January 2014
Sign up now to play golf and benefit cancer research
Virginia Hutcheson April 14, 2014, the Quail Creek Fights Back Relay For Life team will help host a four person scramble golf tournament at Desert Hills Golf Course to benefit the American Cancer Society. Sign up now to play this private golf course and help fund cancer research, patient education, programs and advocacy. Form a…