Borderlandia—Breaking the Myths of the Borderlands

Joyce Shumate

The Let’s Travel Club’s Feb. 21 speaker is Alex La Pierre. His earliest memory is visiting Tijuana with his family, which left him enchanted by the people and heritage of Mexico. His professional background includes working in the nonprofit sector and government, as well as in historic preservation and interpretation for the National Park Service in New Mexico and Arizona. As a graduate of the University of Arizona, Alex’s study and research center is on the Hispanic cultural heritage of the American Southwest and Mexico. “There’s so much history to learn about Arizona and Mexico, and I love that Borderlandia is working to highlight our shared culture across the borderlands.”

Beef, Wheat & Chiltepin: Sonora’s Culinary Heritage

Find out how the confluence of distinct geography, environments, cultures, economics, and religion shaped the culinary culture of the Sonoran Desert in this seminar with Borderlandia director Alex La Pierre. If you have ever wondered what makes Sonoran cuisine unique and what sets it apart in Mexican gastronomy, this program is for you. This program will leave you with an appetite for Sonoran food and for Sonoran cross-border travel, which will also be covered in this special presentation.

Tucson has had a transformative timeline over the last thousands of years as a community living in the Sonoran Desert. This presentation offers an opportunity to learn about some of the historical, geographical, and cultural factors that have led to Tucson’s unique sense of place and heritage in the landscape of the American Southwest.

Borderlandia is a binational initiative of civil society to build an understanding of the cultural and natural diversity of the borderlands. Its origins realize the profound depth of cultural and natural heritage in the borderlands. Over the last decades, this importance has been obscured by a barrage of the unfortunate, negative, or sensationalistic aspects of binational dynamics between the U.S. and Mexico.

To learn more, please join the Let’s Travel Club in the QC Kino Center, Ocotillo and Mesquite Rooms, on Feb. 21 at 2 p.m. The presentation is open to all QC residents and guests. We look forward to seeing you!