Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum—Let’s Travel Club

Joyce Shumate

The Let’s Travel Club’s next presentation will be on Friday, April 21, at 2 p.m. in the Kino Center’s Ocotillo and Mesquite Rooms. This month, the presentation will be by Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum’s Public Programs Coordinator Sonya Norman who will present an overview of the museum and highlight the adult classes and trips that are offered to members, as well as the public.

The classes and trips focus on the cultural and natural history of the area. The day trips might be to collect minerals, learn how to prepare prickly pear, or visit a Clovis Culture Paleoindian and mammoth kill site. The museum also offers multiday trips, both domestic and international.

This summer, the museum will be going to the Chiricahua Mountains for a week-long natural history course and returning for a birding field trip. In the fall, they’ll travel to Chaco Canyon-Mesa Verde, to an old dude ranch near the border town of Sasabe. They also have trips planned to Mexico and Spain. Learn about the Jesuit missionaries’ legacy in the Southwest, then go back to learn about the Roman and Arabic influence across the Atlantic in colorful Spain.

Learn about these educational classes and tours on April 21 at 2 p.m. in the Kino Center. The presentation is open to Quail Creek residents. Following the presentation, there will be time for questions and answers. Hope to see you there!