Quail pin awarded to those who score at least five holes-in-one on a putting day (photo by Janet Wegner)
Peggy McGee
The Lady Putters ended 2023 on a high note and kept on setting new records in the first two months of 2024. Mother Nature has been on their side so far this year—no frost or weather-related cancellations.
Scoring six holes-in-one to end the year was Wendy Van Dyck. So far in 2024, Carol Sheppard, Yoshie Hennessy, Chris Petty, Mary Jo Schupmann, Neila Kozel, Elaine Walker, and Liz Anderson have each scored five holes-in-one in a single day and earned the Quail Creek Putters pin. According to the Putter’s rules, even if a putter scores five or more holes-in-one on several different days during a calendar year, she is only awarded one pin.
Earning $5 each so far in 2024 for getting a hole-in-one on the money hole, the most difficult of the day, were Carol Sheppard, Cindy Kromer, Kathy Dorr, Sally Newton, Janet Wegner, and Donna Romero.
Those interested in giving the Lady Putters a try are invited to join them on any Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. on the back patio of the Madera Clubhouse. Putting begins promptly at 10 a.m. All that is needed is a putter, one ball, and $1 to cover the greens fee. Please wear rubber-soled shoes on the putting green.
For more information about the Lady Putters and their upcoming activities, please visit quailcreekputters.com.