3D Printing Presentation

Joyce Shumate

The Quail Creek Computer Club (QCCC) will be hosting a presentation on 3D printing on Tuesday, March 19, at 6 p.m. The presentation will be given by local 3D printer hobbyist Larry Hudson, a Quail Creek resident.

Larry will discuss and demonstrate the basics of 3D printing, including how it works, what materials are used, and the different types of 3D printers available. He will also share some of his own 3D printing projects and discuss the future of 3D printing.

To visualize how many 3D printers work, picture a tiny, robot-controlled hot glue gun, but instead of glue, it uses plastic filament. Rolls of plastic filament are fed into the print head. The print head heats up, melting the plastic material. It moves with precision in three dimensions, depositing lines of molten plastic onto the print bed (the surface where the printing happens).

The printer repeats the process tirelessly. It deposits one layer of plastic, waits for it to cool and solidify, and then adds the next layer on top. This layer-by-layer approach gradually builds up the 3D object. Each layer adheres to the one below, creating a cohesive whole.

While plastic is common, 3D printers can use various materials: metals, ceramics, bio-materials, and even food! 3D printing has been used by surgeons and researchers in bioprinting, and printing living tissues and organs. Imagine a future where organ transplants are no longer scarce.

Expect insights into 3D design and the fusion of art and science.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about this exciting technology. This presentation will be held on Tuesday, March 19, at 6 p.m. in the Kino Center, Mesquite and Ocotillo Rooms. It is free and open to all QC residents.

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