Daryl Laux, Webmaster
Confused about how much you owe for dues? Looking for a quick and easy way to view and pay your dues? Use the Quail Creek website!
Homeowner dues are billed twice a year:
• January through June—Sent January 1, due February 1
• July through December—Sent July 1, due August 1
Payments received on or after the 15th are considered late and are subject to a 10% late fee.
Both paper and email bills are sent in early January, early July, or before.
The dues for the full year for one household (one or two people) at one property are $3,128, or $1,564 for each six-month payment.
The quickest way to view and pay your dues is to use the Quail Creek website. Please note that “Assessments & Dues” and late “Fees” are listed separately under the Select Folio heading. If you have a late fee, you will need to pay the dues and the late fee separately. They are not automatically combined on the website.
To pay your dues online, log onto the Quail Creek website at quailcreekhoa.org and navigate to Member Center > My Account and click POA Dues Statements and Payments.
The default Folio is Assessments & Dues. Click the down arrow to view/pay late Fees, Villas Assessments, Violation, and Misc. Please note that each type of charge is listed separately, and if paid online, is paid separately.
For questions and answers about homeowner dues, navigate to POA Board > Dues Pay.