The Women of Quail Creek Annual Open House!

Janet Shropshire

On Nov. 19 The Women of Quail Creek (TWOQC) will host its annual Open House in the Madera clubhouse ballroom from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. This event welcomes all women in Quail Creek, whether a member or not. Tables will line the ballroom where TWOQC members will eagerly share information about their committee or activity.

For members: The Open House is a great way to find out about all the exciting plans being made for the coming year, to renew your membership, or get help with GroupSpot, our new communication platform. There will be lots of opportunities to join committees you may not have considered or to get involved in new and exciting activities you never knew about.

For non-members: The Open House is a great way to meet members of TWOQC who will be thrilled to share some of the many things they love about this organization! They will tell you about their favorite On-The-Go adventure, their favorite In My Kitchen experience, and how much fun they had painting rocks and learning about gardening in Arizona.

Looking for an opportunity to have fun but also get involved in the community? Well, with TWOQC you can do both, because in addition to all the fun activities, TWOQC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization involved in community outreach and scholarships for local women.

So, be sure to save the date of Nov. 19! Our Open House is a great way to learn more about this wonderful organization, and I look forward to seeing you there. Membership applications will be available if you wish to join, and if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, Janet Shropshire, director of membership, at [email protected].