Holiday Gift Drive to Brighten Spirits

Connie Vaughan

Caring Hearts & Hands of Quail Creek (CHHQC) is once again supporting a holiday gift drive for underserved South Tucson students (kindergarten through high school) with its partner Lapan Sunshine Foundation. And we are again inviting Quail Creek residents to participate as “holiday angels.”

This year, we will have approximately 40 families, and you can pick up a gift tag and purchase holiday items for a deserving child. Last year, many of our residents and local clubs sponsored an entire family, and we again encourage neighbors and our QC clubs to sponsor a family. Lapan has categorized each child’s wish list into four items: something they want ($40 limit on this item), something they need, something to wear (sizes will be provided), and a book (age appropriate). And if you would prefer to let CHHQC shop for you, monetary donations are welcomed, with checks made out to CHHQC.

Please note that only gift cards to Big 5 Sporting Goods can be accepted to accommodate sporting equipment gifts. All other gifts must be actual goods and not checks or gift cards.

Gift tags can be picked up at the Madera clubhouse on Oct. 30 and Nov. 6, from 8 a.m. to noon, and presents can be returned to the Mesquite Room on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We are asking that you return the presents in a holiday gift bag. Additional holiday wrapping paper and tissue donations are also welcomed.

Caring Hearts & Hands thanks our Quail Creek residents for their continued support as a caring and giving community.

Lapan Sunshine Foundation provides students from underserved communities with scholarships, mentorship, access to opportunities, and support for their often-overlooked additional needs. Lapan’s aim is to level the playing field and empower our students to confidently pursue their dreams.