‘Quail Creek’s Got Talent’ Show

Kazoo Band performing “Money, Money, Money”

Davey Jones

More than 300 people in a very appreciative audience got to experience the amazing talent here in our own community. Produced by the Quail Creek Performing Arts Guild (PAG), the night of Aug. 17 showcased both the talent and hard work put in by an amazing variety of performances. Starting with a beautiful song from a Puccini opera and ending with a drop-dead version of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” the diversity of acts had everybody cheering, laughing, and admiring their talented friends and neighbors.

Acts included several songs, dances, a reading, and comedy and musical presentations. The now infamous Kazoo Band presented a “Quail Creek version” of ABBA’s “Money, Money, Money.” Following a brief intermission, a delightful routine wowed the audience dancing to “Bailando” (Spanish for dancing). The “Thriller” number included nine famous folks from the past who were “raised from the dead,” and it ended up bringing down the house.

For a mere $10, surely nobody could say they did not get their money’s worth. Plus, PAG donates 50% of the ticket sales to charity. The cast and crew worked long and hard to bring QC a fabulous show.