Baby Boomers—We Need You

Please find a photo of an event (playing ball, graduation, wedding, etc.) that happened to you during your “growing up” years. These photos will be shown on the “big screen” in the clubhouse ballroom during this year’s PAG Christmas show, which will span the ‘40s to the present as it relates to the baby boomers born during the years 1946 to 1964.

You can submit your photo to Jeff Krueger at [email protected] or drop off a photo, with your name and phone number written on the back, to his house at 2420 E. Glen Canyon Road.

During the Christmas show, we’ll reminisce about music, songs, food, and lifestyles and rekindle memories for you. The show dates are Dec. 5, 6, and 7. Watch future issues of the Crossing and check What’s Happening for more details.

If you have any questions, contact Cyndy Gierada at 520-445-6829 or [email protected].