Pick Your Foursome—The Lone Ranger, February 18
Debbie Scott
First Flight
First Place: Peg Avent, Janet Johnson, Bobbi Jo Rathvon, Bonny Wilcox
Second Place: Sonia Heeren, Bonnie Morgan, Chris Olson, Cheryl Opsal
Second Flight
First Place: Roz Harrison, Carol Hocking, Linda Ulery, Kris Weinberg
Second Place: Frances Martin, Sharon Schoen, Bonnie Vanni, Sung Whitehead
Flight Three
First Place: Chris Gould, Sally Pavicich, Lin Sanford, Dian Simmons
Second Place: Bonnie Anderson, Jan Ranney, Tommy Reid, Stacia Sower
Flight Four
First Place: Margith Baker, Sandy Hedlund, Phyllis O, Brien, Kathy Printz
Second Place: Sharon Bisping, Holly Crombie, Robin DeLozier, Sandi Hrovatin
Flight Five
First Place: Susan Kuehn, Ilene Olson, Kandi Roy, Judy Murray
ABCD Two By Four: Robson
Qualifier Number 1, State
Medallion Number 1; February 4
Debbie Scott
Flight One
First Place: Cheryl Opsal, Stacia Sower, Frances Martin, Tommy Reid
Second Place (tie): Theresa Stein, Dena Knox, Kathy Stotz, Patty Zatkin; Roz Harrison, Cheryl Collyer, Marie Cook, Kris Weinberg
Flight Two
First Place: Sherry Morris, Betty Martens, Sandy Hedlund, Kandi Roy
Second Place: Janet Johnson, Chris England, Kathy Prinz, Phyllis O’Brien
PYP 2 Person Alternate Shot
Debbie Scott
First Flight
First Place: Jan Scissons and Hilary Wade
Second Place: Bonny Wilcox and Alice Dyke
Second Flight
First Place: Kate Schwartz and Kathy Coleman
Second Place: Roz Harrison and Michele Gazica
Third Place: Janet Johnson and Debbie Scott
Third Flight
First Place: Dianne Turner and Dian Simmons
Second Place (tie): Carol Hocking and Andrea Jondal; Peg Avent and Lucille Carroll
Fourth Flight
First Place (tie): Sharon Schoen and Frances Martin; Bonnie Allred and Kathy Thompson
Second Place: Pat Newport and Patty Zatkin
Fifth Flight
First Place: Linda Ulery and Phyllis O’Brien
Second Place: Kris Weinberg and Cher Rowland
Pick Your 4Some, 1, 2, 3, Waltz Event February 19
Janet Johnson
42 couples played. Net Scores.
Flight 1
1. Davis, Davis, Stensrud, Stensrud; -15
T2. Erickson D, Owens, Morgan, Morgan; -9
T2. Conn, Johnson, Ulery, Ulery; -9
T2. Gazica, Spetter, Price, Price; -9
Flight 2
1. Collyer, Waters, Scott, Scott; -7
2. Chambers, Greiter, Robinson, Robinson; -6
3. Easley, Easley, Thompson, Thompson E
Flight 3
1. Fox, Fox, Hamman, Palmer; -22
2. Berry, Berry, Skinner, Camarillo; -9
3. Ackerman, Ackerman, Tillapaugh, Tillapaugh; -6 @