Just a few of the bowls donated by the Quail Creek Ceramics and Pottery & Sculpture Studio clubs. (Photo by Peggy McGee)
Peggy McGee
The 15th annual Empty Bowls event, sponsored by Valley Assistance Services (VAS), will go on this year, with some modifications. The event will take place on Saturday, March 27 from 10 a.m. to noon at Valley Presbyterian Church, 2800 S Camino Del Sol. Instead of being inside the church, the event will be a drive through with the bowls being available in the parking lot. Because of COVID, there will be no soup this year. Rather, those attending the event will experience what it means to be hungry, as they go home with a lovely but empty bowl. They will see the reality that many in the local area have experienced this past year, as they lost jobs or had their hours severely curtailed by the pandemic.
Tickets will not be sold in advance. A $20 donation, cash or check payable to Valley Assistance Services, is requested for each bowl you wish to take home with you. Many of the bowls were made and donated by the Quail Creek Ceramics Club and the Pottery and Sculpture Studio members.
In addition to the hand-crafted bowls, VAS will be sponsoring an online silent auction that will begin on March 15. Please call VAS at 520-625-5966 to obtain the link for the auction.
Many of Valley Assistance Services’ programs have been curtailed by the pandemic, but the non-profit has seen an increase in the number of families applying for help with rent, mortgage, and utilities, as well as those who have requested assistance with job searches and resume preparation. In addition, VAS has been providing grocery drop-off service to those at high risk, as well as rides to medical appointments. The VAS nurses have been checking on clients telephonically and in person. Over 300 calls are made each month checking on the well-being of their older clients and those who live alone.
With the increased workload, the need for monetary donations and events like Empty Bowls is more critical than ever. Donations to VAS are eligible for the Arizona tax credit.