President Russ Sipe and Vice President Ed Pope present the 2017 Desert Duffer Golf Championship award to David Martinson.
David Larson
The Quail Creek Men’s Nine Hole Golf Club (Desert Duffers) just completed their annual club championship tournament. This was played over three weeks on each of the three courses with one round on March 7, the second round on March 14 and the final round on March 21, followed by an awards luncheon on March 23.
The Club Champion for 2017 is David Martinson.
Flight Winners are A flight – Co-champions Jim Alstad and Dick Oscarson; B flight – Bruce Johnson; C flight – Overall Champion David Martinson; D flight – Dick Cantrell
The winner of the Overall Low Gross score is Dave Groom.
The awards luncheon was held at the Madera Clubhouse with a big thank you to John Murphy for arranging this event. President Russ Sipe acknowledged and thanked Tournament Director Bob Shumate and his committee of Ron Hughes and Bill Trefethen for conducting the annual tournament in the spirit of the Desert Duffer motto “Golf is a game—have fun.”
Upcoming Desert Duffer events include the overnight outing to Casa Grande, Arizona on May 10 and 11, 2017. This is the tenth annual outing at Casa Grande and this year the Duffers will be playing two different courses. These are the Dave White Golf Course in Casa Grande and the Francisco Grande Golf Course in Casa Grande, where they will be staying. Details are on the sign-up sheet posted on the Duffer bulletin board in the Pro Shop.
The Desert Duffers golf on Tuesday mornings. For more information contact our Membership Chairman Bill Albert at 393-1315.