Women’s Bible Study: Lord deliver us from every evil work

The Quail Creek Women's Bible Study group

The Quail Creek Women’s Bible Study group

Kay Robinson

We know God as our Deliverer. He has set us free from many things, including alcohol, drugs, fear, depression, anxiety and unforgiveness, to mention just a few. We have seen the Lord set us free in an instant and we have also been through a precious deliverance that took years.

We need deliverance at one time or another. That’s because no matter how spiritual we are, we’re still made of flesh. And no matter how perfectly we live, we still have an enemy who is trying to erect strongholds of evil in our lives. God wants us free from everything that binds, holds, or separates us from Him.

Jesus taught us to pray, “Deliver us from the evil one,” Matthew 6:13. He would not have instructed us in that manner if we didn’t need to do it. But so often we don’t pray that way, acting as if He never said it at all. So often we live our lives as if we don’t realize Jesus paid an enormous price so we could be free. Jesus “gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father,” Galatians 1:4. He wants to continue to set us free in the future.

Come to the Quail Creek Women’s Bible Study at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesdays at the Madera Clubhouse Silver Room to learn more about prayer.

Leaders’ contact numbers are JoAnne Spencer, 207-8679, Kay Robinson, 495-4173, Berniece James, 625-1949 and Pam McFall, 505-7526.