Looking for Inspiration?

The Library Management Team

If you are looking for inspiration, you may find just what you are looking for in the library at Madera Clubhouse.

The inspiration section, found in the cabinet under the large print books, has been expanded and includes books on self-improvement, spirituality, pet stories, and more.

To make best use of limited space in the library, and to make it easy for you to find what you are looking for, our collections are labeled and shelved by category such as travel, games, biography, history, sports, etc.

A new category has been added to the library’s collections: The Southwest. This section, shelved underneath the non-fiction books, contains materials about the Southwest as well as books by southwest authors. Your donations are needed for this section. The travel books have been moved to this same cabinet.

Don’t forget that there are hundreds of fiction paperbacks shelved behind cabinet doors. Many newcomers to Quail Creek are surprised to find so much to choose from, because those books are hidden from view. And there is a surprising selection of games inside the cabinet below the sports section.

Feel free to explore and familiarize yourself with the changes next time you visit the clubhouse library. And who knows, maybe you will find something you didn’t know you wanted until you saw it there!